Le programme de ACL'2011 est disponible à
- P11-1100 [bib]: Ziheng Lin; Hwee Tou Ng; Min-Yen Kan Automatically Evaluating Text Coherence Using Discourse Relations
et EMNLP'2011 http://aclweb.org/anthology-new/D/D11/
- D11-1002 [bib]: Li Wang; Marco Lui; Su Nam Kim; Joakim Nivre; Timothy Baldwin Predicting Thread Discourse Structure over Technical Web Forums
- D11-1015 [bib]: Lanjun Zhou; Binyang Li; Wei Gao; Zhongyu Wei; Kam-Fai Wong Unsupervised Discovery of Discourse Relations for Eliminating Intra-sentence Polarity Ambiguities
- D11-1028 [bib]: Amit Dubey; Frank Keller; Patrick Sturt A Model of Discourse Predictions in Human Sentence Processing